Love, Soul & Recharge

This is a home design for a pre-retirement couple. According to their expectation of retirement life, the place is created for more open spaces. The dining room is connected to kitchen for dining and cooking parties, while the living room is easy to be accessed to multi-function room and playroom which specially for mahjong playing when grandchildren playing around. The general layout with irregular plan, come up with curved walls and finishings to hide the corners. The continuous space design allows the air flow from balcony to kitchen window, even though the distance of two openings is around 20 meters. Large glass sliding doors divides kitchen and dining room, A 2.3 meters signature fish tank as a partition at foyer and dining room. All of these design elements invite most of natural lights and fresh air into the space. The usage of woods, wallpapers and leathers, create a cozy ambience. Curved wood panels are sitting quietly in living room, not only are part of the design style, also to reduce the volume when there are more than 10 people staying in the space most of time. The pattern of wallpapers is particularly selected for different space uses, like, 3D-sponge wallpapers in walkway, playroom and bedroom to absorb the sounds. A “forest walk” wallcovering and the handmade floral pattern wallpaper extend the nature theme of fish tank. The space created to fill in all of love of families and friends, the soul of different hobbies and life styles, and a recharge after retirement.